Pão de trigo com cereais cozidos

What is neccessary to prepare

  • 600g of organic wholemeal bakery wheat flour
  • 150 g of ripe wheat or rye leaven
  • 400 g of quality water
  • 200 – 400 g of boiled cereals (rice, oat, millet, groats …, the amount does not matter much)
  • 10 g of coarsely ground caraway (it is possible to add a little fennel, coriander…)
  • 10 – 20 g of oil, e.g. olive oil
  • 3 – 6 g of sea salt

The procedure

First, we mix water with leaven, add wheat flour and then rye flour. Next, we add oil, salt, spices, seeds and knead it properly. Rye dough can tear while kneading so we make it more solid and help ourselves with a spatula. When everything is mixed up, we add boiled cereals. We knead the dough properly again and when it is finished, we make the bread surface smooth by moist hands. We can sprinkle it with seeds or caraway then. Next, we put a glass cover onto the bread and let it rise for 4 – 7 hours, with the temperature set at 27 - 28°C. We switch on the first baking phase: 15 min at 160 °C, and still 1 ½ hour at 130 – 140 °C afterwards. If we bake it this way, the bread is made properly and thanks to the glass cover, its crust is not too hard. You can adjust the temperatures according to the baking results.